there is this, well, mountain behind the mak house and we decided to hike it after church one sunday. february 15th- perfect day. there were just about ZERO clouds in the sky (which = a HOT hike but a perfect view from the top). garrett dropped us near the base and UP we went.
up. up. UP.
there are no cut-backs so it is basically a straight climb uphill for 2.5 hours straight. whew! the hike itself was fun. good. hard.
it felt SO GOOD when we finally got to the top. good in that "man, this will hurt for days/ i am about to collapse/ look at that view!" kinda way. we could see so far along the north coast which is just beautiful. oh yes, Jesus is also at the top. there is a cool/scary/unstable feeling cable car that we went down on. you can also ride up on it.. you know, if you don't want to be all hardcore-like.
yeah we conquered that mountain. sucka.
and from here, ladies and gentlemen, you can see the north coast. the pier, sosua, cabarete..
fix your eyes on Jesus..
if the cable would have snapped, this would have been katy and kendall's last photo of terror. don't worry. we made it.
the other cable car coming up
you ready for us again, Mount Isabel de Torres??
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