Sunday, April 5, 2009

the hunt.

who doesn't like easter egg hunts? it really has to be one of my favorite parts about easter (i mean, aside from the whole point of it and celebrating that Jesus is risen..) confession: when i am in georgetown for easter my madre still hides individual baskets for us in the house.. and yes, it is glorious.

i'm not too sure the easter egg hunt is something that really anyone here cares much about (or really does at all..) but for our easter party we were absolutely going to do an easter egg hunt, gosh darn it.

we spent like 15 minutes hiding the eggs around the schoolyard, trying to be sneaky and creative with our egg-hiding skills. guess how long it took 30 preschoolers to find them ALL?

maybe 47 seconds.
soooo.. we made them go inside and we re-hid them for round 2.

they defintely run around like little crazy people which, of course, is how a hunt should happen- with extreme intensity. on a mission, people.

happy easter. praise God we can celebrate that Jesus is risen! He lives. :)

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