Friday, May 8, 2009

date with luis!

whenever i have a bad day or feel like i am just going to break down for whatever reason, there has been one little man here that God has created who just makes everything ok. do you ever have those moments? when you just need to stop or feel like you are on the verge of tears? whenever i have those mornings, i get to school and pull my little luis fernando over. one hug. praise God for his little bitty arms..

not only is he just sweet and wonderful; he is absolutely hilarious! i love that he narrates my every action and finds it hilarious. he screams across the room and gets excited about everything. he is shy in new situations or with new people but the second he feels comfortable, watch out! he is a wild man. he will talk your ear off and laugh at everthing. not that i have favorites, but he is totally a favorite :)

i absolutely LOVE my little preschool chilluns and they are all so beautifully different. it is so FUN to have time to just play with them outside of school too..

one day after school the dialogue in my head went like this:
-what should i do this afternoon?
-go get luis and hang out??
-yes, yes, yes.

pretty simple.

i went to his house and asked for permission to take him on a walk for a little bit and we left. he was surprisingly quiet and just held my hand while we walked. we saw a man opening the little ice cream place- perfect timing! luis picked out a little fruit popsicle and we walked to a gazebo so he could finish it/ drip it all over himself. after he was good and sticky we walked to the old cane processing plant (which isn't currently running) and looked at all of the big equipment. the watchy-man came over to tell us we couldn't go in but i ended up asking him to explain what all the big machines do to luis. he was a chatter. i think he liked having someone to talk to..

luis and i just kept walking and went all the way to pancho mateo so he could see where some of his classmates come from every day. we saw a couple of the preschoolers and hung out on the basketball court for awhile. after a little talking and some time to sit, we jumped on a moto back to luis' house (the walk was a long one for his little legs and i think he was tired!).

and that was it. popsicles. sugar cane refinery. walking. pancho. moto.

i love time with this little guy! oh i want you all to meet him..

luis fernando sucking down his popsicle..

on the bridge to pancho- check out his baller shorts!

during our walk

1 comment:

Ann Sienkiel said...

Lucky Luis to have you!
Love you,