we hadn't talked in awhile and she randomly called me one afternoon. or course we start blabbing a million miles an hour about everything going on and she randomly asks me about my plans for the weekend.. and i ramble some more..
i will save you all the mess but basically i was having an incredibly hard couple days and honestly felt like i was about to break. on sunday i was sitting in church praying to the Lord, calling to Him and declaring how much i just disparately need Him. i'd been brought beyond my own strength. no more. i need Him. i always need Him but sometimes, in my foolishness, try to do things on my own strength.
anyway, in the middle of me scribbling in my journal to the Lord, kendall scoots closer to me on the bench because someone sat down on the other end. then she elbows me and whispers..
what? WHAT? thank you LORD!
robin has everyone shift over so i can run to the other side and sit by cristina. i couldn't let go of her. i was just sobbing. sobbing.. the kind you can't turn off. she let me hug her, told me to stop crying, and held my hand the rest of the time. ahhh i could just feel so much of the love of God in her presence.
i am so incredibly thankful for the time we had. she is such a blessing. for her to find money to be able to travel to see us "just because" is so loving. we were able to spend the day with the group at the beach. cristina spent the night with us and got to visit school in the morning before heading back to the capital.
i looooove surprises! :)
Almost cried when I read this!
well i just teared up!
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