cara's bday- we met up in cabarete at the german bakery for breakfast. we hung out at the beach for a little while and were able to relax a bit. that night we had a party at robin and cara's apartment- complete with peanut butter cookies (yeah, robin!) and carrot cake (yeah, anne!). for enternatainment jonathan spun the twins on the tile. A LOT of times.. they were CRAZY for daaays- not even kidding. here are some photos from cara's bday:
shallan's bday- pizza and a movie on the roof at the mak house! candace, georgia, robin, and cara all came over- it was sooo fun! perfect night. good people. happy birthday.
jonathan's bday- melissa, shallan, jonathan, and i took the twins to cabarete to meet cara, robin, candace, and georgia for some fuuuuun on the beach and time to relax and all hang out. we got some sun, cara got to shop a bit, jonathan saw some football, i had some time with my crosswords.. we ate some goooood food on the beach behind "lax" where we'd hung out that day.
happy birthdays to you, happy birthdays to you. happy birthdaaaays dear cara, shallan, and jonathan..
happy birthdays to you!!
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