i was completely exhausted all week and i got home late the night i was going to make them but planned to stay up late to do it anyway.. shallan and i walked into the kitchen to find the cookies done and packed up for school with a little note. melissa was in bed but she had spent her afternoon making no-bake G cookies for my class so i wouldn't have to! could i ask for better roommates?? i was so surprised i really did tear up. shallan and i sat and looked at each other for like 5 minutes, not knowing what to do with ourselves. yes, they looked awesome and she saved me hours. love mel.. (and shallan too bc she'd already agreed to help when we got home).
aaand the next day we learned G:
this is proably "ganzo (duck)" or "gallina (chicken)
profe ashley is super excited about the suprise..
ruth chowin' down on her cookie
i think jeson liked the letter G
*photos by shallan. and THANK YOU, mel.
G por galleta, G-G-G!
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