Wednesday, November 26, 2008

get yo hur did..

need a new do? you give some of our friends here the ok and, man, they will go to TOWN on your hair.
one afternoon i’d lost cara and shallan for awhile in chichigua.. walked up on this:

cara had jeson's whole family getting into it!

i am not the biggest fan of people messing with my hair.. i just imagine hand grease all up in my hair and i don’t get all jazzed about the idea.. however, i guess there are always exceptions. i’d told maria, one of my art class students, that her hair always looked cute in the net thingies she wears but mentioned i could never pull it off. we would soon find out.
the next class she walks in with a bag behind her back.. a bag with a net she’d gotten me, a comb, bobby pins. how sweet was that? so of course i let her brush, pull, and pin my hair in a big swirl and stick a net on it..

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