Friday, December 12, 2008

christmas at the beach!!

for christmas party #2/last day of school we took our preschoolers to long beach!! yes, we know. coolest staff ever. thank you.. :)

so this is what the day looked like:
we met at school, ate breakfast, sang a few navidad songs and made sure everyone was ready to go (making sure our boys had on underwear, getting girls shorts if they didn't have suits, etc)

next- loaded 30 kids + staff into the gua-gua.. and we were off!

we stripped the chilluns down and left everything with the amazing juan (one of the most solid men i have met in this country.. he is our favorite driver)..

then we marched down the beach..

after explaining the rules it was time to GO! everyone took off running..

ok, little yunairi is just precious..

who will get the floatie?

love luis fernando..

making sandcastles/holes/places to bury each other..


then the rain started heading our way..

we bundled up in our towels, walked back to the gua-gua (rain-free), and had a picnic! note- special food at the picnic: sandwiches, apples, grapes, juice boxes, and cookies!! WOW.


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