we began the celebration the night before my birthday. we all went to pizza internacional so i could get my favorite "freak pizza" (you can ask if you are really that curious..). shallan came with crowns for everyone to wear that night. they also had our cranky waiter SING to me and bring me an invitation for later festivities. sidenote- one of my favorite things about bdays in the DR is their english version of the bday song ("happy baby to you, happy baby to you..")..
morning of my bday: woke up and opened the sweet packages and cards from my family and friends in the states (thank you for thinking about me). then i followed a trail of confetti that lead down to the table that was set up for breakfast (my favorite bowl, cereals, coffee mug etc). ahhh.
as i was walking up to school, the chilluns all came running and screaming. they jumped on me and kept yelling "feliz cumpleaƱos!!" the kids sang "happy baby" and shallan made me wear my crown all day. after brushing our teeth at school, miguel told me i was in his country and therefore needed to have a dominican birthday..
what does that mean? GET SOAKED. he poured water all over me and right about the time i was dry, garrett threw water all over me mid-conversation. haha it was fun!
got home and anne had a dot cake ("confetti cake" for those of you who call it that..) made for me! my mom has done that every year for our bdays and it was really sweet (almost cried) to remember that and bring a piece of the my family in the states to the DR.
the whole day (two days of celebration i guess..) were stinkin' awesome. yay 23.. :) and thank you all so much for making it so special.
ooo ooo ooo!!! ashley's twenty three! that was so fun. so fun. i miss you! and i'm glad i got to be with you on your day! love you sweet friend. :)
Oh 23 :) it's such a fun age! Sorry you have a retarded friend (me) that just found your address on facebook... Today... Man I know... Anyway you're getting something soooon !!
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