Saturday, February 20, 2010

baby time!

milka and francis are having a BABY! woo! milka and francis are some friends we know through church.. maybe some of the most friendly, joyful people i have ever met. we are all super excited for them!

because jessi is, well, awesome.. she threw them a really fun baby shower. i don't know how jessi knows so many different games; they were so cute! games AND prizes AND treats. we had to guess what characteristics we think milka wants their baby to have. milka or francis' nose? whose sense of humor? whose intellect?

cara was the champ of identifying different powders (do you know your sugar from detergent?) and i can proudly say i can draw something that resembles a baby when there's a plate on my head.. there were so many games she'd prepared. pass the bo-bo (pacifier), match the sock race..

basically we are so happy for milka and francis! praise God their baby is coming into such a sweet community of people.

one of the treat tables

some gringas at the party

milka opening her gifts

..and if i were to give prizes:
  • best decorating team: rachel and jessi
  • hostess of the year: jessi
  • cutest pregnant person: milka

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